Data Scientist

Nazli Uzuner

Originally from Turkey, I came to Switzerland 7 years ago to study Computer Science. During my studies, I worked as a software engineer, scrum master, cloud developer, and data scientist. I chose to specialize in cyber security in my Master's with the thought of "No matter what I decide to do in computer science, I should have a good understanding of the security topics". At the end of my studies, what brought me to Netlight was my willingness to develop myself in various roles in different sectors. During my first assignments, I had, and am still having, lots of fun discovering the data world and what it has to offer. Building a recommendation engine in 3 months, seeing it live, and even witnessing the data product we created winning an award... I can't imagine a better start to my career. My goal for future assignments will be to use the data in a way that shows our clients the treasure it holds. When I'm not on a treasure hunt, I enjoy hiking in the mountains and traveling(preferably by train :)). Another passion of mine is the DEI topics. As a consultant, I want to support our future clients and Netlight in creating safe, inclusive, diverse workspaces in any way I can.

Nazli Uzuner

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